October 2017: Deir Ezzor diary part 5b, in Al Mayadeen

Deir Ezzor diary part 5b: In Al Mayadeen, recently liberated economic capital of ISIS.

Mayadeen had been liberated by the Syrian Army and allies just two weeks before our small group of independent researchers and activists got to go.

The town had served as ISIS’ economic and weapons capital for years. The massive arsenal I shared about in part 4 was found here with others discovered since we left. Bombs and other weapons were also manufactured here for the terrorist caliphate.

ISIS had coined its own money, and forced residents to turn in their Syrian pounds for it to control the economy.

Everywhere the signs of ISIS rule were still fresh, except the bodies of two dead Saudi ISIS fighters rotting in the street. The sight of them didn’t bother me at all surprisingly; honestly was glad to see the two who could no longer bring hell to the people of Syria. Saudi terrorists came to Syria with America’s blessing and support and were/are often the commanders and many of the fighters of ISIS, al Qaeda and the legions of other terrorist groups in the illegal proxy war against Syria.
Street signs, ISIS newspapers and billboards encouraged “good” ISIS behavior like how women should be completely covered and carry a gun in one hand and the Qur’an in the other.

But it’s a mistake to be misled into thinking ISIS is a religious movement representing Islam. We met with civilian survivors at a refugee center in Deir Ezzor. Mayadeen is a Sunni Muslim village that was enslaved and punished by ISIS. The women had complied with the laws to cover up yet were severely beaten if they dared look at a man. Children were not allowed to go to school. People were starved while terrorist fighters feasted on hoarded food.

One dear man, a dignified but now broken human being who barely survived the horror of Mayadeen, we spoke to had had one hand and one foot cut off as punishment for his crime of stealing wheat to feed his starving children. The sentence was handed down by the Saudi judge who oversaw all court cases. His seven year old son was run over and killed by ISIS terrorists.

The refugees touched our hearts as they shared their stories of suffering under the terrorists for years. Their eyes were haunted by their memories and concern for the future. But the cheers for their saviors of the Syrian Arab Army and President Bashar were bright, spontaneous, hearty and sincere. The Syrian government has provided safety, shelter and food for them until they can relocate elsewhere in Syria or maybe go back someday to their village home.

Not every resident of Mayadeen is a proud supporter of Syria though. Many share the brain washed death-cult ideology of the Saudis and ISIS/Al Qaeda and their allegiance is not to their country but the sick false teachings of extremist Saudi imams … and Saudi money. Some of the civilians we saw, there are still a few living in Mayadeen, gave me an uneasy feeling. The kids were charmers but the adults, I don’t know, just didn’t trust them.

The Syrian Army and allies are making great advances daily against ISIS, sadly at great sacrifice often. The recent breaking of the ISIS siege of Deir Ezzor has made this possible and total victory will be soon I believe, but the fighting is fierce.

To reiterate for American/western readers, ISIS was incubated in Iraq by the US in our Camp Bucca prison system. They were nurtured and supported by the US in Syria, used as an asset to pressure the Syrian government into surrender to terrorists/extremists. The US led coalition and our allies have supported them militarily, with intelligence and communications, with money, weapons, and training.

And everywhere behind the scenes is “Israel”. The war against Syria was for them. The zionists who created and rule that entity most favored by the US are bent on destroying the ancient civilizations here who refuse to submit to their ambition to dominate and control the region.

These wars are not in US interests, in fact they are in direct opposition to our interests and ideals. Positive, mutually respectful relationships with Syria, Iraq, and Iran are not only still miraculously possible but would be a huge benefit to people in both East and West.

It is time to stop listening exclusively to the lying criminals of “Israel” and Saudi Arabia and other terrorist supporting Gulf States, and to engage in sincere diplomatic and non-interventionist dialogue with the deep civilizations of the region. The sovereignty of Middle East nations deserves to be acknowledged and respected.

We have so much to learn and humanity has so much to gain.
I want to give my deepest thanks to the Syrian government and army for their protection, support and the unprecedented access to their front line fight against ISIS in Deir Ezzor and Al Mayadeen. We were the first foreign delegation to visit there.
Everywhere in Syria, on the ground, one is struck by the intense contrast between darkness and light, barbarism and civilization.

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It is an epic battle here between these forces of good and evil. I don’t pretend Syria is perfect, it is a complex, diverse culture in the most complex region in the world. Like every country on earth is has issues and problems to deal with. A “brutal dictator” is NOT one of them. President Assad has great support and popularity here and for good reasons.

But this terrible tragic conflict of many fronts – military, intelligence, economic sanctions and slandering propaganda – was created by America for our malignant regional “allies”. It is a crime against all humanity and justice.

And it is way past time for us to end it. America has no right to be here. Has no right to rip countries apart while sadistically calling it “freedom and democracy”.

A wake up call to Americans from Al Mayadeen: contact your representatives in Congress to tell them to get us out of Syria … now.

The Euphrates River is beautiful and serene even as it winds thru areas of violence and destruction. Human beings can chose to be peace makers in times of war too.

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