October 2017: Deir Ezzor diary part 3, Deir Ezzor Al Assad hospital

By: Janice Kortkamp

Date: October 23, 2017

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Like all the other false narratives about the Syrian War, the accusation of President Assad and the Syrian Army deliberately targeting hospitals and schools is 180 degrees from truth and reality. The serious-faced, well paid western “war equals profits and ratings” media journalists repeat the lies ad nauseam in hopes everyone will just accept them.

But it takes only a few brain cells firing and a little background knowledge to realize how absurd they are.

Health care and quality, secular education were and remain top priorities here in Syria for decades. Syria is known for its great physicians btw. Many hospitals and other health care facilities were built and/or improved during the tens years under President and doctor Bashar al Assad.

Lab at Al Assad Hospital, Deir Ezzor

The hospital we visited in Deir Ezzor has quite a story. It was on the front line when ISIS came into the city. ISIS terrorists took over the 3rd and 4th floors of the facility until the Syrian Army drove them out.

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It was eerie touring those two floors that are sealed off until repairs can be done; the breaking of the ISIS siege happened only six weeks ago.

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As I mentioned in a previous post, only 19 doctors out of over 1,100 remained after ISIS took control over most of the Deir Ezzor province. Two more have joined them in the past six weeks.

For the three years of the siege the courageous, never ending work of doctors and nurses and other workers treated normal medical diseases and injuries as well as war wounded.

Mercenary terrorist ISIS fighters from Pakistan and Afghanistan brought the polio virus with them. Malnourishment was rampant.

During the tour was surprised to be ushered into the operating room to video a surgery. The patient had shrapnel in his stomach from a recent ISIS weaponized drone attack. Front line medicine. Sadly, the patient did not survive.




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